Friday, June 26, 2009

Rain boots in June

Jackson decided the other day that he wanted to wear his hand-me-down rain boots from Colby. It was adorable to watch him try to walk in them, being that they're about 2 sizes too big! At least they matched his outfit!

Cabin Trip

A pic from our last trip to the cabin on Father's Day weekend...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swim Lessons

Jackson started swim lessons this week! He had so much fun with his dad learning how to kick, scoop, blow bubbles and he even went under water for the 1st time!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Zoo

Mindy's sister Laicy and her family from Oregon were in town this past weekend for a wedding so we got to spend some time with them! We decided on Friday to take the kids to the Sacramento Zoo and Funderland, here are some pics from our outing...

Laicy and her oldest Kaylee... adorable!

Mindy and Jackson on a train ride with Kaylee and Josiah.

Laicy's husband Jeff and brave little Josiah on the Dragon roller coaster.

Kaylee posing by the Flamingos... so stinking cute!!

Titus (the youngest) hitchin' a ride with his pops.